Tulsa Fire Alarm Building

Tulsa Fire Alarm Building - 18 July 2009. This is a pretty cool old building - built in 1931. It was on my shooting list for Tulsa, Oklahoma. There's an amazing amount of great architecture in this town - and I've scarcely touched the surface. This was also my first experience using a Garmin navigation system. I had a list of addresses to feed into it. Each place I got done shooting - I'd put in a new address, and off I'd go. It was amazing! I've got to get me one of these! All photos, Canon 5D w/24-60 Sigma SG, 105mm F:2.8 Super Takumar and 200mm F:4.0 Sper Takumar. Click on the image to get a bigger image - the detail on the front is amazing!
Below is the entry in Wikpedia for this building.
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