Red Bus - East Glacier, Montana

"Jammer" - Glacier National Park - July 2009. They were built by the White Motor Company in Cleveland Ohio, painted Mountain Ash Berry Red and are still kept that color today. There was an entire fleet of 33 buses built for the Park back in 1936 to 1939. The unique name “Jammers” comes from the old days when drivers could be heard "jammin" on the gears of the bright red buses as they drove around the park. The buses of today are basically the same vehicles, having been completely renovated and restored by the Ford Motor Company at a cost of over 800,000 dollars. Originally buses had canvas tops, and were made of oak and covered with a metal skin. Today, all the buses have refurbished interior and exterior structures, automatic transmission, power steering, and dual propane/gasoline engines. The canvas tops and original charm remain. Tourists feel as if they are riding in the style and grace of the 30s. The vintage buses stretch 25 feet long and hold 17 passengers.On each tour a Jammer welcomes tourists the same way it's been done for over 90 years with the “roll call”. The buses have a unique canvas top, which rolls back allowing all 17 passengers a commanding view of the spectacular scenery within Glacier National Park. Not a bad way to go! Canon 5D and Panasonic LUMIX DMC LX2.
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