Roundtown Players

There will be more stuff I've shot at community theatre - but here are two. Community theatre is people photography at its' very best - and if one is shooting during "tech week" everyone is in full costume. If you miss a particular scene or want a different view of a particular scene, there are multiple opportunities to capture just the right image.
The first is a cast photo for a Round Town Players community theatre production of "I Remember Momma." Leica M4 w/50mm F:1.2 Canon
The second photo is one of the adult characters who did a splendid job - also garnering the nickname (courtesy of my older brother): Aunt Panzerfaust. "Panzerfaust" is the name of a WW2 German anti-tank weapon. It translates to "Tank Fist." The Panzerfaust is the predicessor of the RPG - Rocket Propelled Genade.
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