Little Bighorn Battlefield - Montana
Little Bighorn Battlefied - 27 May 2007. I spent about three and a half hours wandering around the place. It was difficult to shoot – but I think I got one good image. I think I finally understand how the battle unfolded and where the fighting took place on the land. This picture tries to capture the openess of the battlefield - which wasn't really a battlefield so much as a lot of terrain over which Custer was chased until being cornered on the top of a hill. Here he was overrun by the same folks he had intended to kill. His political objective was to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Serious bad Kharma happened there. . .
This image was shot on the southern end of the battlefield, where Reno gathered up his men and held out until relieved. Typical of the military - they court marshalled him. He was about the only commander in the field that day that didn't have his head stuck in an armpit.Asahi Pentax Spotmatic (SP) w/20mm F:3.8 Auto Vivitar
1 comment:
i really like what you wrote. it really captured me. i learned more about Custer then idid from my teacher!
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