Lamar's Petrified Wood Building – 27 August 2009. The building started out as a gas station, built by lumber dealer W.G. Brown in 1932. The building walls and floors are constructed of large pieces of petrified wood over 175 million years old. In 1962, the service station became Lamar Tire Service. It currently houses the offices of Stagner Tire and a used car dealership... This place is truly hideous. Canon 5D w/24-60mm Sigma.
I'm an emergency room physician since 1982. Currently I do what is called "locum tenens," working at various locations for weeks to months at a time. States I've worked include New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, Arizona, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana.
My Father got me started with adjustable cameras in the early 1960's. My gear includes basically three systems - Pentax Spotmatic (mid-late 1960's); Nikon FE2/F3HP (mid-1980's); and Leica M2/M4 with late Canon LTM optics and one Voigtlander lens. My first serious digital was a Panasonic LUMIX DMC LX2 - a startlingly versatile little instrument. I've recently picked up a Canon 5D body - on which I'll use my Asahi Super Takumar and Auto Vivitar lenses until I can afford some more contemporary optics. There are an additional fifteen or so 35mm and 120 roll cameras.
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